Michigan Avenue Streetscape Project

Michigan Avenue Streetscape Improvements
Updated 5/20/2021
Click to Review the Project Phasing Plan and FAQs
Click to Review Streetscape Plans
Progress Update Memos
2021-11-19 Michigan Ave Construction Update Memo
2021-11-12 Michigan Ave Construction Update Memo
2021-10-22 Michigan Ave Construction Update Memo
The Village is constructing a streetscaping/pavement improvement project through Downtown Paw Paw which will include the portion of the street between Gremps and N. LaGrave. Information about the project’s development can be found below.
Please check this webpage as this project progresses for new information or for details that may have evolved.
Project Purpose:
Create a sense of place in the core downtown district of Paw Paw by redeveloping the streetscape through reconstructing the pavement, improving pedestrian safety, improving lighting, installing landscaping and green infrastructure tools.
Project Background:
The downtown streetscape in the Village of Paw Paw is hampered by ineffective features that deter pedestrians from the area and do not support the goals of the downtown. Current challenges and deficiencies include:
- Tiered walkways that severely impact use of sidewalk space
- Minimal Seating/Gathering Areas
- Too much hardscape, very limited landscaping
- Lack of identity and character
- Accessibility challenges due to the sidewalk tiers
- Poor pedestrian connectivity/walkability
- Inappropriate lighting
The need to reconstruct the pavement as well as to make water system improvements in the area makes this an ideal time to upgrade the entire streetscape. This will solve the design challenges in our downtown and enhance the unique sense of place that is desirable for the downtown. This project will not only improve the physical design deficiencies, but to also facilitate economic development activity in the area.
Project Scope:
The project will cover three-blocks of Michigan Avenue between Gremps Street and LaGrave Street. The project will include the following scope items –
- Removal of existing pavement, curb, sidewalk, and light poles
- Water service connections to new main
- Storm Sewer
- Grading and Paving
- Curb & Gutter
- Sidewalk and pavers
- Upgraded lighting
- Street furniture and amenities
- Trees, landscaping, irrigation, and restoration
Community Impact:
This project will provide a significant improvement to one of our most important commercial and public gathering spaces in the community. The lack of accessibility caused by the sidewalk tiering limits the ability of those with disabilities to enter our local businesses. Further, efforts at sidewalks sales, outdoor seating, and events are made more challenging by the steps in the middle of the sidewalk.
The safety of pedestrians crossing Michigan Avenue will also be improved. We have received numerous concerns from residents in the area who try to cross Michigan Avenue, especially from the recently constructed senior living apartments at the corner of Michigan and Niles Streets. When the senior living center was developed, the Village passed a Resolution of Support for the project. That resolution included financial commitments to the project which included “Significant streetscape improvements estimated to be approximately $50,000 – $250,000 within the next three years along Michigan Avenue to improve the pedestrian and shopping environment along the street in front of the project.”
Local Community Plans:
This project is consistent with the goals of the Master Plan, Walkability Initiative, the district’s stated purpose as defined in the Zoning Ordinance, and DDA development plan.
- Master Plan
The Master Plan was adopted in September 2017 through a public process that included surveys, focus groups, and public hearings. Relevant portions of the “Future Transportation Plan” section of the Master Plan have been enclosed included for your review. In general, the plan supports the street having a better balance of service for cars, pedestrians, and bicycles rather than being imbalanced in substantial favor of automobiles. Suggestions for improvement include adding midblock crossings, medians, landscaping, streetscape reconstruction or retrofitting, furnishings, wayfinding signs, parking, and identity.
- Walkability Initiative
The Council adopted a walkability initiative in December 2012 which was followed up by a sidewalk ordinance adopted in September 2013. The walkability resolution is included for your reference. The general goal of the walkability initiative is to create safe and convenient streets for all users regardless of mode of travel or physical ability.
- Zoning Ordinance
The portion of Michigan Ave being discussed in within the Downtown Overlay District. The purpose of this district is stated in the zoning ordinance as follows:
(1) Develop a fully integrated, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented environment with buildings containing commercial, residential and office uses, similar to the downtown character at the intersection of Michigan and Kalamazoo Avenues.
(2) Create a synergy of uses within the downtown overlay district to support economic development and redevelopment consistent with the recommendations of the Master Plan for the Village of Paw Paw.
(3) Minimize traffic congestion, inefficient surface parking lots, infrastructure costs and environmental impacts by promoting a compact, mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly district.
(4) Regulate building height and form to achieve appropriate scale along streetscapes and ensure proper transition to nearby residential neighborhoods.
(5) Create a definable sense of place within the downtown overlay district with a pedestrian-oriented, traditional urban form that emphasizes historic building design common to the downtown area.
- DDA Development Plan
The Downtown Development Authority Development Plan calls for streetscaping and improvements to crossings and the right of way that is consistent with the objectives of the streetscape proposal.
Alternative Projects Considered:
Creating a project that reflects the needs and desires of residents and businesses is important to the Village of Paw Paw. As such, two concept plans were developed and discussed by the council and at public meetings and open houses with public participation. An alternative plan which reduced the street to three lanes was also developed but it had significantly less public support than the five-lane plan included in this proposal. This was largely due to traffic flow concerns, especially due to Michigan Avenue being an emergency route for I-94. It was determined that modifications should be made to a concept plan that continued the five-lane model.
Cost Breakdown:
We have secured and are actively working with various organizations to receive grant funding for this project. The project is $4,184,358. A listing of source funding for this project is as follows:
MEDC/Community Development Block Grant $1,968,130
MDOT/Small Urban $375,000
MDOT/TAP $426,921
USDA/RDBG $89,025
Village of Paw Paw Water Funds $363,590
Village of Paw Paw Road Funds $897,452
Downtown Development Authority $64,240
Anticipated Project Schedule:
Boundary/Topographic Survey March 2020
Preliminary Design & Investigation March 2020
Infrastructure Evaluation April 2020
50% Plan Review Permit Applications May – Oct 2020
90% Plan Review/Environmental Reviews Aug – Oct 2020
Final Plan Completion November 2020
Bids Due April 2021
Construction May 2021 – August 2021